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Hey everyone, this is TricksOfTheTroll here and I wanted to say that, thank you all for visiting our website and thank you for taking your time to suggest your ideas! Alright, so how this is going to work is that you would need to click the button below and fill out the suggest form since we want to keep it as consistent as we can. Before you suggest, make sure that you are first a subscriber and then suggest your ideas for a chance to get a shoutout in our videos. How the shoutouts would work is that we would give you a shoutout in our video, when we pick one of your ideas to use!


If you gave us a suggestion, I would like to say thank you and hope that your idea is chosen so you can be given a shoutout on our channel! Hope you will enjoy our content and hope you help us out by sharing our video! Thank you all once again, and have a nice day Scrub Nation! Also, if you missed the button at the top, here is the button once again!


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